I don't have credits for these individually but all are from RMIT fashion school. As part of their contribution to the show students were asked to make a monument to water. There are some of the stronger pieces in my humble opinion.
Canelli Beans and dried noodles moulded on wire and glad wrap.
Reminiscent of both a ballerina and a reptile, this one is scaly and also feminine.
Lily leaves, bark, onions, berries and dried fruits and beans. The beans again forming a great corset surface underneath.
Australian native flowers, including Proteas, Gum leaves and Ivy. I would readily wear this if made from a more forgiving material, maybe in felt, for example, hand died with natural plant fibre, ooh that does sound good.
Lillies and bulbous plants were very popular at the show, and here they are used to add a definite 'wow factor' to the creation.
Here is a taste of other installation/floral artworks also on display. I think I would quite happily move into this study if I could. I love the Venus Fly-traps on the bookshelf, just brilliant.