I'm unequivocally in love with Oscar de la Renta at the moment - and I thought I would share some of my highlights from the current Pre Fall collection recently on show in New York.
High waisted pants and ethnic inspired prints/embroidery - this outfit is simple and yet I can see it worn in a work context as well as to formal occasions.
If you're like me and you love a particular ite
m then you will find ways to slip it into your routine. With this outfit I can safely say I am salivating while I imagine wearing this to almost any occasion.
Below right is a striking lipstick coloured ensemble, I've included it as an example of a beautiful hue which I think will be very popular this season (Autumn in Europe/America and Summer in the East).
I hope this colour is picked up over here in Australia, I'm always thrilled to see new colours spicing things up unexpectedly.
The texture of this jacket reminds me if shibori and origami and all things ingenious and Eastern influenced. Kimono. Tokyo. Luscious. Fruits.
Hopefully there will be more to come of my reports from various collections. I intend this to be a trial appetizer to test the waters as it were. If this is interesting and relevant to sartorialists around the internets then I'll keep it up. If not, well I will probably keep reporting my reviews anyway.